My Holidays🫠

Talofa Lava bloggers!!

Today I will be sharing about my holidays so far. So on Saturday my cousins came  over to my house for a sleepover, before they came over my mum said to do a little clean up before they come over to our house. When they came over they were really excited to have a little disco because my mums package that she ordered from Temu arrived the next day after my brothers birthday disco. When it was night we all had like a little disco before we had to get ready to go to bed,  after the little disco we all went for a little 5 minute shower and  got changed into our PJ’s and went to bed. When we woke up in the morning we all went outside for a walk then went shower got changed then they went home but their brother wanted to stay since the other brother and sister stayed for the night he stayed for two nights after those two night the older brother wanted to stay but then the other brother got jealous and said he wanted to stay to but the mother said no maybe another night. Before they all went home we all went to the mall went shopping and watched the movie called inside out 2. The movie was really cool and the new emotions were Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment and Ennui. It was really cool but the girl called Riley was on her 🩸 and Anxiety was putting a lot of pressure on Riley so when she heard that her friends were going to a different college then sadness put her hands on the table thing and she got really sad. This is all the emotions together and all of their names!!!!!!

This is all of the emotions together and all of their names are. The yellow 1 with the blue hair is called Joy, The emotion that is covering his face a little bit and is pink is called Embarrassment, The purple emotion that looks scared is called Fear, The red emotion that looks like he is going to burst is called Anger, The blue emotion that has a crying face is called Sadness, The green emotion that has a yuck face on is called Disgust, The little emotion with that little cute baby face is called Envy, The other purple emotion that has a tablet thing to control the pad and looks so calm is called Ennui and the lucky last one that put a lot of pressure on Riley and is orange is called Anxiety. So yeah  I hope you all the best for the rest of this holidays and hope you all get to do something fun even watch inside out 2 and do a blog post about it to see what you thought about it and yeah keep me updated and I will post some more new and cool blog post’s about my holidays or my first day of school for term 3 and Yeah 1 last question before I end this very long blog post that has a lot of words.

Do you think  that you will watch inside out 2 and have 3 sleepovers just like me??

Stars and some shooting stars

Talofa Lava Bloggers!!!

Today Webber class were learning about Stars and shooting stars. Mrs Patel told us to make a blog post and write 5 facts about the stars and 3 facts about shooting stars. Here are my 5 facts about the stars and 3 facts about shooting stars↪    1: Stars are made out of helium and hydrogen. 2: Some stars are Blue< Red<Green ( SORRY I FORGOT THE REST OF THE COLORS ) 3: Some stars are 7 times bigger and hotter than the Sun. 4: The hottest star is called the blue star. 5: Stars are giant balls filled with helium and hydrogen. Now here are the 3 facts about shooting stars: 1: Shooting stars are burning rocks. 2: Shooting stars aren’t real stars. 3: When shooting stars are close to earth it will turn into dust.

Samoan language pick a path

Talofa lava bloggers!!

Hi everyone, I made a pick at path on samoan language week but I forgot to post it onto my blog so here I am blogging it. If you are asking what kind of pick a path or what a pick a path is I will tell you all right now. I am making a samoan pick a path but you have to pick the correct answers and then go onto the next question, and if you dont know a pick a path is when you make a little slideshow and put in some questions and you pick a answer for them to figure out what the correct answer is. I will show you my pick a path that I made

Here it is!!


The Hail Storm

Talofa lava Bloggers!!

On Wednesday 29 May 2024 there was a big scary Hail storm that made the whole school turn white. Have you ever seen what Hail looks like because if you dont there will be a photo at the end of my blog post. Hail is made when raindrops are carried upward by thunderstorm updrafts into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere and freeze. First it was windy then it went onto heavy rain, thunder then hail. Once the hail stopped all the seniors went outside to go and play for a little bit, when we went outside the hail was really cold witch made my feet so numb and frozen.

Here is one photo that my teacher took while it was hailing!!


Here is the photo from the hail storm!!

Nano Girl ( Scientist )

Nano Girl

On Thursday 30 June 2 Nano girls came to our school to show us some cool scientist experiments. I am so sorry but I cant really remember the experiments that they did. I can remember 1 but I could even make it and it was pancakes, first they said that it was liquid and then they made it then shouted out its solid and all the juniors said what really loud. Do you know how fireworks are made? they use this liquid and put it in a bottle then she sprayed it onto the fire witch made the fire change colours like green, blue, purple and red. Once it was finished I had to go up in front of the school and thank them for coming and for showing us the Science experiments.

Here is one photo from the Nano girl!!
Sorry there was only 1 photo😤


Here is the photo guys and one question would you want to be a Scientist or a helper that helps the other person do all the experiments??

Facts about the Sun & Moon 🌝🌚

Talofa Lava Bloggers

Today Webber class were learning about the Sun and Moon.  The Moon orbits around the earth where we live just like the earth goes around the Sun. There is a rotation for the whole solar system and that rotation is all of the planets spin all around the Sun Like the children and the Mother. Do you know why the ocean comes in and out? the Moon controls the ocean just by moving and you know what it is called it is called High and Low Tide. The Moon is made out of rock but why does it shine?? The Sun make the Moon shine but how the Sun illuminates onto the Moon, so if you find a big rock dont think that it is gonna glow okay!

Faafetai Lava Bloggers


And a Happy Samoan Language week!!!!

The Milky Way!!!!!!


So I think on Monday or Tuesday me and my class were learning about the Milky Way. I just finished my Milky Way slide I think a day ago go and I will tell you somethings that I found interesting. The hardest part was when we had to remember all the things from the video. The easiest part was when we had to write down the questions on the slide or poster that we did. Here is my Milky Way Slides that I made all by myself.


One question Would you ever want to make a slide or Poster and make it about the Milky Way Galaxy??

Smart Images

Talofa Bloggers!

Today for Cybersmart room 8 & Nine came altogether and learned about Cybersmart. The hardest part was when we had to draw a picture or draw a picture on the device or paper. The easy’st part was when we had to take a picture of something. I didn’t finish it but I will tell you something about me I love Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5, I also love their songs and I wish that he was still alive. .I really enjoy writing to you guys and I don’t want this to end but before I show you guys the slides first I will ask you a question do you think that you and your school might do the same thing just like me?


My Holiday emoji recount!!

Talofa lava bloggers!!!

On Monday I and my class were writing an emoji recount of what we did during the short holidays. The hardest part of writing the story was trying to figure out what to write for it. The easy’st part was adding the emojis for it because like why not. I really enjoyed creating this even if it took me like a couple of days just to get it right